Tag Archives: tired now

[Happy] Achievements of the week..

I have been a bit busy of late so not recording things that have been making me happy.. but as I come to the end of the week it is worth me remembering that within the busy I have been awesome.*

1) I managed to high five a chap who was waving for a bus as I cycled past.  

2) I worked out a way with the technology available to live stream H as she taught a crochet class, do that we can have a close up of her hands as she demonstrates.  This close up is then displayed on the big screen so everyone can see.

3) I have successfully covered for my boss while he has been in holiday for the last fortnight.  I have finished this week with 350 unread emails, and 130 flagged for follow up.  However the sky hasn’t fallen and I have stepped up and presented myself well.  Even if I was starting to look a little tired on Friday.

Right now to try and relax a little.

* Even if I do say so myself.